Legend of SUHELDEV- The king who saved India

Author: Amish Tripathi

A nation is not built by those who hate it, it is built on the shoulders of those who love it!’
"Neither caste, nor religion, 
Neither language, nor kingdom (state), 
Only one identity I bear, 
I am a child of Mother India. 
My life, my soul, 
My work, my faith,
Is all for Mother India. 
Whether I attain Moksha, 
or I stand on Judgement Day,
When asked who I am, 
By the One Most High,
There will be only one answer:
I am a child of Mother India. 
Only one identity I bear...."

Bharat, Bharatvarsha, Hindustan, India- so many names for the Country known as “Golden Sparrow” in the world History. I remember when as a kid I used to listen to the popular song, ‘jha jha daal daal pe sone ki chidiya krti hai basera, voh bharat Desh hai mera’- I used to wonder as to what this song means? was golden sparrow any species of bird especially found in India? But reading our Indian History and culture now I know what that song means and why India is called Golden Sparrow. A country rich in wealth, rich in culture, rich in civilization and rich in values, rich in Unity. So it deserves to be called Golden Sparrow. Right?

Born & Brought up in India, I always find a fascination with Indian ancient history and its rich culture. We still carry this heritage with us in form of Great Architectures, our cultural values, and the stories of great warriors. Warriors who fought for Mother India, for our civilization, for our culture; who dedicated their lives for bigger causes. And we as Indians would always be grateful to them for saving this rich heritage and passing it on to generations.

“SuhelDev- The king who saved India” by One of my favorite Authors- Amish Tripathi. The reason why I picked this book, first my fascination for Indian history, and second Amish Tripathi being my favorite Author- when it comes to Indian mythology and History. The best part I love about his writing is you would always get to know a story from different insights. The way he writes makes you finish the Book in one sitting. And his vast deep knowledge of Indian history and culture is a plus. The way he narrates the story, you become a part of the story and feel goosebumps sometimes.

Now Coming to the book, the book is set in the times, when the Turkish Army of Mahmud of Gazni, invaded India and looted the Great Somnath Temple. The Great Somnath Temple is still a holy and important place in India not only in terms of architecture and history but in terms of Worship. This is the Story, how a prince of a Small kingdom, becomes the leader to save India. How he United all Indian kingdoms, Religions, caste, tribes into one unified Army to fight the enemy and save our Motherland. This is the story of how the Love for Motherland suppressed differences in Religion, caste, kingdoms. How all Indians come together to target one aim- Free our motherland from the Invaders and save our civilization.

This book was a goosebumps experience while reading. A perfect mix of Indian History and Fiction. Our country has always been a center of attraction for invaders, but our motherland has courageous Sons who fought selflessly, who always made her Proud. This is an example of Unity we had despite having differences in religions, caste, cultures. When mother India needed her sons, they were all one. SuhelDev is not a fictional character and there are So many warriors like suheldev in Indian history who showed the same courage and dedication for their motherland and sacrifices their life for the sake of Mother India.

This book is worth reading especially when you have a facination for Indian History. I don’t know why people say Indian is not worth living, it has nothing and all. I was an Indian always find it worth living and love being an Indian. And those who say it’s not worth living here, why not make it worth living? Every civilization, every country has some good and bad sides. Let’s embrace the good side and work on the bad side and make our country again a paradise-like it was in history. Why make the sacrifices of our great warriors go to waste?

I would say please grab your copy and read this book. You would experience a different Journey this time. And for once at least you will feel proud to be part of this rich civilization. You could get your paperback copy at Amazon and Flipkart. For Kindle Edition go for Amazon Kindle. And Let me know What you feel after reading this book?

Happy Reading Bibliophiles ❤️

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