Dharma- Decoding the Epic for a Meaningful Life

Author: Amish Tripathi & Bhavna Roy

“Karma, is activity; to do. And activity should be a tool for self-discovery. You have to walk that path alone, though. Understand your own inner drama. Confront it. Then master it. That will bring you closer to dharma.”

Are you also the kind of person who thinks that Mythology and Epics, we are listening from our childhood, are much more than just stories? They are not just the history or imaginative stories, but series of ethics and aspects, passing through generations. Well as a kid I remember we had so many of these stories in our Text Books and there always used to be questions with them- what is the moral of the story? As a kid this was just a simple question, we needed to learn as part of the curriculum. But as an adult, I realize that those were not just questions but the lessons to make us better humans.

From Watching Mythological series like Mahabharata, Ramayan, shiv Puran on TV to reading Books like the Shiva trilogy, Ram Chandra series, Draupadi; I believe our point of view has been widening. We no longer look at them just as tales but more as codes of conduct. Many people say that Ramayan, Mahabharat are just imaginative fiction work. But that’s alright? Even if they are fiction, the focus should be on the virtues they are conveying.

For me, they are the Codes, which when decided leads to a meaningful life. And you know if you go deep into these Epics you would always find logic and meanings in them. Every character in these Epics will show you a different human side. When I pick a mythological book, I always look forward to what new perceptive it is going to show about the Great Epics. My interest started in this literature when I first picked the Shiva Trilogy of Amish Tripathi, some 4-5 years back. And this was just the beginning ❤️

‘Dharma- Decoding the Epics for Meaningful Life’ by Amish Tripathi is one such Book. Amish Tripathi is a well-known author famous for his Mythological fiction work. And he did a great job in this Book as well. The simplest explanation of complex Codes is his beauty of writing. And yes I picked this book more because of his Author, knowing how deeply and beautiful he express Mythology that you would stick to the book till the end. And you would crave to learn more about Hindu Mythology.

If I talk about the Book, then Book is written in the Dialogue version. This is a discussion going on with two generations who are expressing and trying to dive deep into the Epics. What makes the book more interesting is the way they pick a quality and discuss different characters on it. From Shiva to Ram to Arjun, the dialogue goes on. Dharma, karma, loyalty, honor, love, and many more human qualities. You would surely have a different yet interesting journey reading this Book.

Each Chapter has something new to unwrap. The one that I like the most in the book is “Take the characters in Epics as people, take them as qualities” and you will be able to make difference in your life. It took me a month to complete this book because this is not your one-sitting book. You need to read it slowly to understand what It wants to convey. For me, it is worth the time.

So if Mytholoy excites you, and you are fascinated with the Epics, you won’t be disappointed. Because it’s always a new experience to know old stories from New perspectives. Mythology is a vast subject, Author tried to pick famous stories so that we all could relate to them.

So go and pick you copy soon and experience a new journey. You could get your paperBack version at Amazon & Flipkart. For Kindle Version you could always go for Amazon Kindle.

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