Jeevan Saransh

Author: Sudhir Kaistha

ये सिलसिला जो यूँ ही चल निकला,
हर राह ले जायेगी…..
जहां तक, मैं हूँ अकेले पहुँच पाया।
"पूछा जो हमनें क्या खता है मेरी, पुराने जख्म कुरेद के दिखाता रहा। 
जिन जख्मों की हमको दवा ढूंढनी है, उन जख्मों को नासूर बनाता रहा।
रिश्तों को खुशहाल जो बनाना हमें है, पुरानी रंजिशों को भुला क्यूँ न डालें।
हर रिश्ते की अपनी अलग एहमियत है, इस बात को समझने की जरूरत हमें है।"

Our Life probably has more than 50 Shades of Emotions. Happiness, sadness, love, separation, rage, helplessness, hope, motivation to name a few. And I believe no one could express them more beautifully than a poet. The way he blends that emotion with words, the way he narrates the poetry; you would always feel the emotions deep inside you.

Coming to the Book: “Jeevan Saransh by Sudhir Kaistha”, I would say a very raw form of emotions. The author tries to transform his life journey in a collection of Poetry. It’s his first published book. What I loved about the book is that it came with a personalized message written on the note attached with the packing. The Author is a person who feels rage seeing social issues, who loves God, who believes in helping humankind, paying back to the society that made him.

If I talk about Book then it’s a collection of short & long Poetry works. You would find patriotism, love, separation, childhood, female abuse, female empowerment, a touch of Himachal folk, and a lot more. In one poetry works, the poet is trying to raise the women’s safety issue and in the next poetry works he is telling about his dreams. But these kinds of works is always been my favorite which let me go on to experience different emotional journeys in one single book.

I believe you don’t need complicated words to express yourself in a better way. You just need to know how to put those emotions in easy words so that the reader feels every essence of it. Though it was a quick read for me. But I enjoyed reading the book.

So If you looking to read Something raw in poetry, I would suggestion you to give this a try. You could grab your copy at Amazon

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