The Mahabharata Secret

Author: Christopher C. Doyle

Sometimes you need to look deeper within. If you look for a deeper meaning, you will find it

Everything isn’t always the way it looks. Sometimes you need to look deeper within. Study, the Bhagavad Gita, it is the source of much knowledge. The subject of the Gita, though mixed up, is a mark upon us for our future lives, and will lead you through the door to knowledge, which you must unlock.
In an ocean of maya, there is always an island of satya”

Mahabharata- The great Epic in Hindu Mythology, The greatest battle fought for the Dharam, and so many stories associated with it. Some people say it’s just a myth, some belief it to be a true story in Indian History. We all have grown up listening to Mahabharata tales from our grandparents, watching them on T.V. and even reading them about in our books. And though we as Indians might not feel proud of such rich history even the world is accepting these tales and the teachings behind them.

One thing I truly believe is that our country was way more advanced than the present world. Whether it’s science & technology, medicine, law, philosophy, way of living, you would find our ancestors ahead of us. This fact is enough to raise my interest in knowing more about our history & culture. So again obsessed with Indian History & mythology, I picked a random book that turned out to be so interesting that I finished the book in less than three days and couldn’t get it out of my mind for the next 2-3 days.

“The Mahabharata Secret by Christopher C. Doyle”– a book that kept me glued to it from beginning till end. Every writer is good in itself but I feel the mytho fictional writers do an exceptional job when they connect the present world to the centuries-old events and take their reader on an adventure journey in History. And I don’t need to say that Cristopher C. Doyle is one of those Authors. I was able to visualise every event in my mind whether present or past. He was able to maintain the suspense throughout the book that With every page ending I want to read more & more. & This is the power that makes you a good Writer.

So Book is the Journey of finding a Secret related to the Mahabharata Era which could turn out to be a disaster to the world. The story is set in India and the regions coving the Gupta Dynasty’s Empire in ancient times. A secret that when discovered by wrong people could destroy Mankind. The book is written in Three-time frames- King Ashoka’s Time, the present day, and Mahabharata Era. A young man along with his friend set to solve a puzzle e-mailed by his Uncle before his Mysterious death, without even realizing what they getting into.

It is said Ashoka Founded a Secret Brotherhood Society to protect the Secret after the secret was discovered by one of his courtiers. The Story is based on the same. Well, I don’t know if that’s just fiction or any truth behind it, but one thing I know is this book was one hell of an adventurous Ride. With the Terrorist organizations, international business tycoons, politicans, and many other trying to get their hands on the secret hidden from hundreds of years, this was a gripping experience.

For me, this was the no Doubt worth the read. With interest in Indian history, Mythology, military operations, and suspense book, this book was a complete package of all. Without a second thought, I would recommend anyone to read it. My thoughts still drift to this book, even though I have completed it three days. So you could guess now how interesting it must have been. It would leave you with more curiosity to know about hidden Indian history treasures.

What are you waiting for then? Grab your paperback copy of the book from Amazon and Flipkart. For the kindle version, you could go for Amazon Kindle. And if you are not a book person but are still interested in Story, the Audiobook version is available for you at Audible.

Also if you are interested in Mythology and want to know more about it, you could join the ‘Quest Club’ on Author’s Office Website.

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