Signboard at Dholavira

Author: Nishith S Parikh

Mahabharat is a Myth or history? What’s your thoughts?

My Deep Fascination for Indian Mythology and history, again made me pick this book. ‘Signboard at Dholavira’ is yet another mystery Fiction based on great Mythology- Mahabharata and the Secret Nine Society said to be formed by Great Ashoka. The book is based on the ‘Celestial Weapons’ said to be used during the great war at Kurukshetra.

The book starts with a dialogue between Arjun and Krishna in Mahabharata Era, which gives you a hint about what lies in the book. Next, you would find yourself being taken to the great civilization of ‘Mohanjodaro’ and its destruction.

In the next chapter, you will find yourself being taken to the Era of Ashoka the great, and the secret he uncovered of Mahabharata Era. He then formed the secret society of nine to guard the knowledge and the Secret which could play havoc on mankind if gotten into the wrong hands.

The story turns to the Modern Era, with the excavation led at the Indus valley Site of Dholavira by two Archeologist – Ramanujan and Gaekwad. They Discover a Signboard at the site with 10 symbols. And soon set on the journey to decipher the Symbols in the hope to make the greatest discovery of Indus valley. But they get into a terrorist attack who got to know the secret and Ramanujan lose his life in the attack but the terrorist was captured.

After 18 years, Gaekwad finds the whereabouts of Ramanujan’s belongings in the hope to restart the mystery. But at the same time jail in India is attacked and one terrorist escapes. Gaekwad gets a call demanding to decipher the Symbols and share the secret. Gaekwad involves Ramanujan’s Son and his friend in the Quest. Soon they were accompanied by Major Aarti and together they start to decipher the Symbols.

Are they Just random symbols or there is a meaning? What is the mystery behind the symbols? Who is the man calling the Gaekwad? Will they be able to decipher the code? How are the Symbols related to Mahabharata? Will they be able to save the secret from getting into the wrong hands?

Well, so many Questions? This was an interesting read, keeping me glued to the book. And I will be waiting for the 2nd part of the book eagerly. Enjoy the thrill of solving the mystery, deciphering the verses and codes with the book. The author does an appreciable work at explaining the historical as well Scientific facts in a simple yet effective way.

Happy Reading Biblophiles ❤️

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