The Last Symbol

Author: Nishith S Parikh "In the battle of Dharma, at the land of karma, follow the wisdom, follow the abstract from the Gita by the Lord, and follow the directions it shows" Mahabharat and its Stories have been a part of our life since childhood. From the story of Eklavya to the Story of Abhimanyu, … Continue reading The Last Symbol


Author: Rohan Kailasam Death Stalked the streets of Bombay... Sometimes you pick books because their Titles Attracts you. Well this book is one of those I picked because the title of the book looked facinating. Book's Story is framed in the city of dreams- Mumbai. It starts with a murder Attack by professional Assassins on … Continue reading Wastra

Jeevan Saransh

Author: Sudhir Kaistha ये सिलसिला जो यूँ ही चल निकला, हर राह ले जायेगी….. जहां तक, मैं हूँ अकेले पहुँच पाया। "पूछा जो हमनें क्या खता है मेरी, पुराने जख्म कुरेद के दिखाता रहा। जिन जख्मों की हमको दवा ढूंढनी है, उन जख्मों को नासूर बनाता रहा।रिश्तों को खुशहाल जो बनाना हमें है, पुरानी रंजिशों … Continue reading Jeevan Saransh