Signboard at Dholavira

Author: Nishith S Parikh Mahabharat is a Myth or history? What's your thoughts? My Deep Fascination for Indian Mythology and history, again made me pick this book. 'Signboard at Dholavira' is yet another mystery Fiction based on great Mythology- Mahabharata and the Secret Nine Society said to be formed by Great Ashoka. The book is … Continue reading Signboard at Dholavira

The Vault of Vishnu

Author: Ashwin Sanghi He that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he hath a secret to keep "A good scientist had to be spiritual at heart and a good spiritualist had to be a scientist at heart. The two concepts of science and spirituality were not incompatible" History, Mythology, and writer's experiment … Continue reading The Vault of Vishnu