I Owe You One

Author: Sophie Kinsella Love Means all Debts are Off… Do You Believe in Destiny? A little weird thought but we all have thought about this once in a lifetime at least! This is Something that happens with the protagonists of the story. At some point, they thought that they were destined to meet. The story … Continue reading I Owe You One

Gone Girl

Author: Gillian Flynn You know in life what’s a good thing to do and what’s a bad thing "Love is the world’s infinite mutability;lies, hatred, murder even, are all knit up in it; it is the inevitable blossoming of its opposites, a magnificent rose smelling faintly of blood." Would You Stay in a Toxic Marriage … Continue reading Gone Girl

Jeevan Saransh

Author: Sudhir Kaistha ये सिलसिला जो यूँ ही चल निकला, हर राह ले जायेगी….. जहां तक, मैं हूँ अकेले पहुँच पाया। "पूछा जो हमनें क्या खता है मेरी, पुराने जख्म कुरेद के दिखाता रहा। जिन जख्मों की हमको दवा ढूंढनी है, उन जख्मों को नासूर बनाता रहा।रिश्तों को खुशहाल जो बनाना हमें है, पुरानी रंजिशों … Continue reading Jeevan Saransh