Boots Belts Barets

Author: Tanushree Poddar

“if you receive an invitation to attend the Passing Out Parade at the National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakvasala, Pune, don’t accept it, because if you do, you are most likely to return to it as a cadet one day. The Passing out parade works its magic on young blood. It evokes patriotic emotions, makes you proud of being an Indian, and reminds you of your calling. The POP can perhaps take the credit for bringing in more cadets, each year, than the high-flying advertisements in the media released by the Ministry of Defence.”

Have you ever felt goosebumps while watching the Indian Armed forces marching gracefully with pride? We as civilians might never understand the thrill and adventure of being the part of World’s most powerful Armed Forces. But ask our Soldiers the pride they feel when they wear the uniform, and they would tell you with a sparkle in their eyes that everything changes once they wear the uniform, their way of walking, their way of talking, and a lot more. They are the true Gentleman one could make feel most safe around.

National Defence Academy- the Academy nurtures the young Energies to turn into Man of Courage and Adventure. The three years of training make them an all-rounder in all fields whether it is academics, outdoor games, war tactics, and a lot more. These 3 years transform them into a completely different personality, a personality that the whole nation takes pride in. When they pass out from Academy they are not those shy young boys anymore, they are Officers full of confidence, courage, patriotism, and a sense of duty for the nation. The three years of tough schedule and training make them strong enough to endure the toughest of situations. It prepares them to go under further training and serve in the respective Armed forces i.e. Army, Airforce, and Navy.

Coming to the book- Boots Belts Berets written by Tanushree podder, who is herself a proud Army Wife. Boots Belts Berets take you inside the lives of Cadets training in National Defence Academy. This is the Journey of four young Boys from the civilian way of living to be a part of the Defence forces. It takes you to the three years’ tough training, pranks, parades, love, punishments, camaraderie, brotherhood, Ragging, roller coaster of emotions, fun times. Sounds interesting? Wait till you read this book and trust me you would be amazed.

Book set in the 1970s, takes civilians like us to the virtual visit of the Academy and inside the life that waits for the young cadets. It is the story of bonds developed between cadets over three years, it is the journey of cadets to be part of the Indian Armed Forces. It is the journey to stand out of the crowd, to be the pride of the Nation. Though the training & lessons they go through are much different than the civilian way but one thing that remains common is the way how those new unknown faces become dearer than family in a short time. with time growing more stronger that sometimes camaraderie comes before responsibility.

Being always fascinated by Armed forces life, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. The writer has written it so beautifully that you could imagine each scene in your mind while you are reading it, and that’s what makes a writer stands above others. There is a feeling of thrill throughout the book starting from the 1st day they stepped on Pune railway station till the last day at passing out parade. I am sure you would be more fascinated to know about their life after reading this book.

So, like I always say, go and grab your copy and experience the same pleasure of this virtual visit. You could get your paperback copy from Amazon or Flipkart. Also, kindle Edition is available on Amazon kindle.

And if you are not a reader but still this book excites you then, you could go for Audiobook on Audible. The book is narrated so well by Rannvijay Singh Singha who himself is an Army brat, that you won’t get bored a bit. So what are you waiting for!!

Happy Reading Biblophiles ♥️

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