Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master- A Yogi’s AutoBiography

Author: Shri M

“Now, “Truth” cannot be something in the past. It is the “eternal present”, and therefore, cannot be stored in the memory, which is a thing of the past, the dead past. “Truth”, on the other hand, is in the present, the now, eternally flowing, pulsating with life, and therefore, can not be touched by knowledge.”

INDIA- The country departing knowledge of Yoga and Meditation to the World for ages. The Country is home to different Religions living in Harmony. The Country that would be always on the top list when we would be discussing Spirituality and its power in Human Lives. The Country is the motherland to so many enlightened Sages like Vivekanand, who told the world power of Our culture, our believes, our practices. If I say “India is the center of Spirituality and home to great Saintly Souls”, it won’t be wrong.

I read books and there are a number of them mentioning the spiritual treasure of India whether it is ‘Monk who sold his Ferrari’ or ‘way of the peaceful warrior’, they all have one thing in common, at some part of their spiritual journey, they visited India. I have seen so many foreigners coming to India and adapting our culture and living in ashrams devoting their lives to yoga and meditation. I have seen foreigners coming to India for their researches in neuroscience because they think India has answers to all the questions that they are searching for. I have seen foreigners being devotees of ‘Krishna’, I have seen them reading ‘Geeta’ and adopting it in their way of living. And trust me it’s a matter of pride to know this, we are part of a country that is only one of its kind.

Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master -The Autobiography of ‘Shri M’, is surely an inspiring and amazing journey of A Muslim boy attracted by Vedas & Upanishads philosophy and attracted by the Secrets of Spirituality hidden in snow-capped mountains of Himalayas. Book is not only his journey to be a great yogi but it is a good chance to know the rich culture of India, to know the true meaning of religions, to know the country you live in from a different view. I was completely astonished while reading the book finding out that the great Spiritual Souls don’t have any grudges on religion! They all r one and bless you if you’re a true seeker!

Also, the book gave a wonderful view of India’s diverse religious culture and the beauty of souls who chose India as their place! From mountains to beaches from deserts to plateau India holds the power to attract even foreigners to resides in India and adopt our ancient way of living. From the Sufi souls to great yogis to great philanthropists to lamas you would find great souls making India their home & making its global power in spirituality and yogic powers!

Also, books explain to you the true beauty of the Himalayas and Uttarakhand. The book is worth reading if you are mesmerized by Indian and Himalayas Beauty & Spirituality! We all know the importance of the Himalayas- being the abode of Shivji and many great sages. Himalaya is not beautiful in terms of view but it is also important as it is home to so many Great Souls, so many herbal plants and medicine, and hides deep secrets inside. The beauty of the Himalayas is mesmerizing so is its spiritual importance.

Those who think India doesn’t have much to offer in comparison to developed countries, I would proudly tell them that people from those developed countries live in India as yogis adapting Indian culture! Those who debate on the religions I would surely recommend this book to them, I m pretty sure their thoughts would change as if you know the core of any religion they all believed in humanity, and all r one !!!
I m happy I came across this book and it surely gave me so many reasons to Love India and be a proud Indian!!!

So go grab your copy if you are mesmerized by the beauty of the Himalayas if you also want to know more about ‘India’ and its rich cultural heritage. You could get your paperback copy at Amazon and Flipkart. Kindle Edition is also available at amazon kindle. Book is available in different languages. If you are not a reader but still want to read it, go for Audiobook at Audible.

Happy Reading Bibliophiles❤

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