
Author: Pawan Verma "Blending the restlessness of a vagabond heart with the calmness of a philosopher’s mind in a silk & honey baritone that transported people to the land of their dreams. Transforming love into agony and rapture, all at the same time!" Some stories starts with normal peoples, unaware of what the future has … Continue reading Unbroken


Author: Rohan Kailasam Death Stalked the streets of Bombay... Sometimes you pick books because their Titles Attracts you. Well this book is one of those I picked because the title of the book looked facinating. Book's Story is framed in the city of dreams- Mumbai. It starts with a murder Attack by professional Assassins on … Continue reading Wastra

Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master- A Yogi’s AutoBiography

Author: Shri M "Now, "Truth" cannot be something in the past. It is the "eternal present", and therefore, cannot be stored in the memory, which is a thing of the past, the dead past. "Truth", on the other hand, is in the present, the now, eternally flowing, pulsating with life, and therefore, can not be … Continue reading Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master- A Yogi’s AutoBiography