The Last Symbol

Author: Nishith S Parikh "In the battle of Dharma, at the land of karma, follow the wisdom, follow the abstract from the Gita by the Lord, and follow the directions it shows" Mahabharat and its Stories have been a part of our life since childhood. From the story of Eklavya to the Story of Abhimanyu, … Continue reading The Last Symbol

Signboard at Dholavira

Author: Nishith S Parikh Mahabharat is a Myth or history? What's your thoughts? My Deep Fascination for Indian Mythology and history, again made me pick this book. 'Signboard at Dholavira' is yet another mystery Fiction based on great Mythology- Mahabharata and the Secret Nine Society said to be formed by Great Ashoka. The book is … Continue reading Signboard at Dholavira

Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master- A Yogi’s AutoBiography

Author: Shri M "Now, "Truth" cannot be something in the past. It is the "eternal present", and therefore, cannot be stored in the memory, which is a thing of the past, the dead past. "Truth", on the other hand, is in the present, the now, eternally flowing, pulsating with life, and therefore, can not be … Continue reading Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master- A Yogi’s AutoBiography